Sunday, January 23, 2011

What does it do!

Blurb (Not important at all): Holy crap I haven't written anything and I sincerely apologize but let us move on. Since my absence I've decided its only fair to do a "What floats my boat" along with some other funny random chiz! So here it goes I hope you enjoy and I promise, now that I have more free time, I won't be missed for too long.

What floats my boat?

So what floats my boat this week is:
Seeing people that you haven't seen in a while. Pretty self explanatory I mean that feeling that you have when you see someone that you've missed and haven't seen in the longest time, yeah that feeling is awesome. However, this feeling is only "awesome" when you're seeing a good friend of course. Short and sweet it was a good feeling. Yeah, that's it. Umm...go check out my most recent blog haha :D

Signing off,

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